Patch Notes

[v. 5.04]
July 25, 2023
- Fixed some instances where New Game+ manual saves were not generated after completing the base game.
[v. 5.03]
July 17, 2023
- Fixed an issue related to ray tracing which caused crashes
- Fixed an issue where users could not obtain an unreachable audio log in Tower
- Fixed Out-of-World streaming issues in Final Transmission
- Continued performance optimizations
[v. 5.02]
June 29, 2023
- Added in auto-play functionality for audio logs based on player feedback. In order to maintain The Callisto Protocol's narrative structure and avoid over-lapping audio, some of the in-game audio log locations were moved. Full list below;
- Moved one log pickup to the end of the hallway before the medical room, after the beta path door
- Moved one log pickup inside the cafeteria section
- Moved one corpse harvest/pickup to the corner of the red room
- Moved one log pickup back to its original location in the upper corner of a room onto a box with a valve wheel
- Moved one corpse harvest/pickup to the far corner of the garage
- Moved one log pickup to the left of the moving platform exit
- Moved one corpse harvest/pickup to the top of a ladder before the shimmy
- Moved one log pickup closer to a REFORGE station
- Moved one log pickup to be inside a prison cell
- Moved one log pickup to be inside a Biophage infested hallway
- Moved one log pickup onto a table by a cherry tree
[v. 5.01]
April 18, 2023
- Take your enemies apart limb by limb and experience the thrill of instantly dismembering your foes
- Players cannot earn campaign achievements or trophies while playing Dismemberment Mode
- Added functionality allowing players to skip cutscenes
[v. 4.01]
February 07, 2023
A challenging take on The Callisto Protocol’s survival-horror experience, intended to push you to your limits, Hardcore Mode is not for the faint of heart. Here’s what you can expect;
- Ammo, health, and credits are harder to come by and not every Biophage will drop loot
- Increased enemy damage
- Decreased Stun Baton damage
- Increased enemy mutation speed
- Contraband value is reduced
- Hardcore Mode New Game+ (requires completion of standard Hardcore Mode playthrough)
- New Achievements / Trophies to hunt
- Players that were not correctly granted the "The Protocol is About Life" achievement upon completing the game will be automatically granted the achievement
- Localization fixes for leveling and VO/subtitle mismatches
- Optimized enemy combat AI when player is surrounded by multiple enemies
- Updated font rendering and UI elements for readability
- Created a rendering functionality profile specifically for Steam Deck with the best settings for smooth gameplay
- Updated control schemes for SteamDeck controls
- Ray tracing performance improvements
[v. 3.01]
January 17, 2023
- Users who previously completed the game will have access to NewGame+ after the patch.
- Application restart may be required.
- Requires an active save file from game completion.
- Fixed an issue where some users were not correctly granted the "The Protocol is About Life" achievement
- Added New Game Plus. Complete the game to unlock New Game Plus and carry your pression over to a new save. All weapons, upgrades, and Callisto Credits can be collected at the first Reforge
- General performance optimizations across all platforms
- Players no longer take damage when vaulting over obstacles
- Fixed multiple issues where certain camera angles or progression paths could cause environments to stream out and allow Jacob to fall through the ground
- Consistency pass on cabinets, lockers, and shelves to display correctly in High Contrast mode
- Voice leveling and subtitle mismatch adjustments across localized languages
- Fixed low frequency crash in the Tunnels level during the Two Head fight
- Skip Cinematics button has been mapped to the Interact/Pickup input
- Fixed a long hitch when enabling Ray-Traced Shadows in the main menu
- Prevented mouse cursor from displaying during some area transitions
- Fixed low frequency crash in Snowcat when Jacob is talking to Dani
[v. 2.01]
December 15, 2022
- Prevent enemies from attacking while you are attacking another enemy by adjusting uninterruptible windows for all player baton attacks vs standard enemies to add an extra 7 frames between hit and recover
- Reduced frequency of players being attacked from behind. Enemies now prioritize grappling or repositioning instead of attacking
- Widened incoming attack camera angle
- Widened angle for dodging off screen attacks
- Reduced damage taken multiplier when attacked from behind
- Increased player facing away maximum angle for Grunt and Blind
- Dodge optimization:
- Valid dodge angle now allows player to have stick slightly forward and right/left while still dodging (45 -> 30 degrees)
- Dodging at the end of the dodge window no longer means playing dodge animation and getting hit
- Increased animation speed for:
- Health injector usage
- Weapon swapping
- Weapon reloading
- Upper receiver swapping
- Auto-play reload animation when switching to an empty weapon
- Continue initiated weapon swaps after interruptions
- Extend amount of time between KTV appearance and mutation
- Fixed phantom arm kills by armless NPCs
- Increased audio cue volume for Danglers
- Reduced default setting for camera shake
- Added player invulnerable window to all 150 cm vaults
- Changed Two Head to a two hit kill on the player in Medium Security, and a three hit kill in Minimum Security
- Final boss encounter combat optimizations
- Minetown AI pathing and spawning improvements
- Optimized streaming to reduce memory usage in:
- Habitat Water Maze
- Snowcat Bridge Collapse
- Fixed a memory leak with the Reforge 3d Printers
- Fixed voice leveling issues in multiple languages
- Fixed subtitle/vo mismatch issues in Korean
- Fixed instances of unlocalized lines in multiple languages
- Fixed incorrect text descriptions on menus in Korean
- Fixed untranslated instances of “Unlocked” on doors in multiple languages
- Fixed instances of missing voice processing in multiple languages
- Added an option to enable performance mode when creating new games
- Added an option to skip death cinematics and restart from checkpoint faster
- Improved lighting performance on AMD cards (reduced VGR pressure of FDeferredLightPS)
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to receive the "The Protocol is About Life" achievement after beating the game once on a lower difficulty
- Optimized lighting for multiple cinematics in Habitat and Tower
[v. 1.02]
December 06, 2022
- Added popup dialog to display when players change ray-tracing settings and trigger a shader compile
- Added a popup progress dialog to display in the main menu when compiling shaders
- (Epic Specific) Fixed an issue preventing achievements from unlocking and displaying correctly
- (Epic Specific) Fixed an issue causing the Terms Of Service to always display upon loading the app
[v. 1.01]
December 02, 2022
- Updated PSO cache to further reduce stuttering during gameplay